Saturday, December 2, 2017

Chicken Noodle Soup

                                                                   Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                    everyday is a journey.

So he died by his faith. 
That is fine--
More than the most of us do.
But stay. 
Can you add to that line
That he lived for it too?
It is easy to die. 
Men have died
For a wish or a whim--
From bravado or passion or pride.
Was it hard for him?
But to live: every day to live out
All the truth that he dreamt,
While his friends met his conduct with doubt,
And the world with contempt.
Was it thus that he plodded ahead,
Never turning aside?
Then we'll talk of the life that he led.
Never mind how he died.

It's funny how a simple cold or stomach flu can alter your daily routine. Just a little sickness, a day of not feeling well and everything's off. Suddenly, all appointments have to be cancelled. One can barely make it in to work. 

Just the other day, I ate something I shouldn't have (that's another blog post) and became sick. My stomach cramped up and I spent the entire night throwing up my entire day's meals. There's nothing worse than nausea and cramping up. 
Simply awful. The next morning, I laid in bed trying to feel better knowing I had to go into work the very afternoon. I cancelled my shopping trip with mom and stayed in bed until it was time for work. 

Why would I go into work? Well, I could call off if I wanted to, but I already scheduled all my remaining days. I decided to go in and push through. I stopped on my way to work to pick up some saltines and sprite. Did you know it's hard to find saltines nowadays? One almost has to go to Wal-mart or Aldi's to do so. The store shelves are filled with sugary sweets and flavored crackers, not exactly satisfying to a grumbling tummy. I ended up getting a chicken flavored cup of soup and a six pack of sprite. 

Honestly, I'm glad I went in, because if I had stayed home, I would have laid in bed feeling miserable. Instead, I was moving around with my mind on other things and somehow, the night ended and I pushed through. I won't lie, that last hour stretched on forever. 

Right now, I made myself a huge pot of chicken noodle and 
a cup of chamomile tea. I washed all my sheets and blankets from that faithful night. The rest of the weekend will be spent in my comfy clothes, crocheting and Netflix. Everything else has been tossed aside all because of a small sickness that set me back. One small event can wipe out a weekend of scheduled activity. A setback? Yes, but a minor one. I'll be back in full form come Monday morning. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

The Gratitude Challenge:
 I am so grateful for small comforts such as tea and soup. 

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