Monday, December 11, 2017

Another Lesson

                                                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Lord, with what courage and delight
    I do each thing,
  When Thy least breath sustains my wing!
    I shine and move
    Like those above,
    And, with much gladness
    Quitting sadness,
  Make me fair days of every night.

You know how you have good intentions in the beginning, but somehow things become routine and you begin to have doubts. Doubts whether this has been a good idea or not. I've signed up for this Beth Moore Bible study that will last about six or seven weeks. We meet once a week in the morning for an hour and a half. Perfect. I can get my bible study in before work. It's what I've always wanted, right?

Yeah, I did. Plus, the minute I get there, I'm happy. Isn't that how things always are with us people? It's the in-between that we have a problem with, we just don't want to do the work. We want to get there quickly without any pain or struggle. Just blink and we're there. 

I don't know why I'm having these feelings. Could be the devil. I knew that Beth Moore studies involved a lot of homework and studying at home. Of course, nothing good is easy. There is plenty of work to get there.

The group itself is like every other group I have been in. The first day, it's packed. It's something new and exciting. We all have these unreal expectations that we can do this, but then the work begins and you can see a rapid change. The second meeting only half the women show up. By the time the 3rd., 4th.,and 5th., only a handful stick around faithfully. 

I've seen it happen in other studies and even in my own Ministry. Whenever something new begins, everyone is excited and they cannot wait to dig their heels in. Unfortunately, life happens and many of them drop off as the weeks go by. 

So I'm a little struggling with keeping up and I almost (just once) actually thought about quitting. Yes! Quitting, but I didn't. Oh, I tried my very best to convince myself that I should. I mean, I don't fit in with any of them affluent ladies. What could we possibly have in common? I went and it was my best session as of yet. Well, I'll be!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

The Gratitude Challenge:
I am grateful for my bed with the comfortable and very snug blanket. 

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