Monday, July 31, 2017

The First Half

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I want a sober mind, 
A self-renouncing will, 
That tramples down and casts behind 
The baits of pleasing ill; 
A spirit still prepared, 
And armed with jealous care, 
Forever standing on its guard, 
And watching unto prayer. 

Our lives certainly have been busy since moving here. A new car, Orchard Network, seed packing for Africa, World Vision Walk, Christmas in July to name a few. New friends, new neighbors, new jobs for some of us. 

Was it a good decision? You bet! There are times we have to be still and wait on the Lord. The other times, we have to act on the voice on the inside that prompts us to get up. As to many things in life, with the good comes the bad. We have lost contact with some of our friends mostly due to the distance. 

There's one thing that is vastly different around here . . we haven't been entertaining. I think we have had maybe two people over, my mom and a friend of Emily's. That's it. When we first moved here, we had grandeur plans of BBQ's outside in the courtyard, bible studies in our large living room and many get-together's for our women friends. None of that has happened. 

To be totally honest here, I'm enjoying the solitude of having my weekends to myself. Almost all of my work happens then. When it's Emily's turn during the week to be off, I make sure I'm gone, leaving the apartment all for her. We all deserve some alone time.

I almost feel as if we are embarking on a new journey soon and this is a small, but necessary preparation stay. Within the next few years, many changes will occur like they do every ten years or so. Are we ready? If not, this is a good as any to take care of anything that is thrown our way. Things never stay the same for long. We grow. We change. We move on to the next stage of our life. I'm excited about mine. And Emily's, too. What about you?

HAVE A BLESSED day everyone. 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Trial Run At Patience

                                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Small service is true service while it lasts:
Of humblest friends scorn not one:
The daisy, by the shadow it casts,
Protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun.

1. The Crocheting Ministry (C)
2. Blog (B)
3. Chronic Illness Group (E)
4. Extracurricular (A)
5. Personal (D)

This is a rough draft of a schedule I'm working on. You see, I've been trying to implement a new routine so I could begin my Chronic Illness Group as soon as possible. Anything can happen as long as one has organization. That's my goal.

Well, it worked for about a day or so. Once again, I struggled with scheduling and organizing my routine. Once again, I failed. Once again AND ONCE AGAIN. Then I went to Church and heard a sermon on Cultivating Patience. A sermon designed just for me. 

There are three types of patience: 
1. Everyday patience 
                                  Things we encounter daily like traffic, long lines.
2. Enduring patience
                                 Things we suffer from like chronic illness, loneliness. 
3. Effective patience
                                 Things we are genuinely outraged about like bullying, poverty, crime. 

If we struggle with impatience, it's because we have problems with time. We are finding our identity and worth  within our accomplishments. Everyday we make lists that are impossible to fulfill. Instead of the list consisting of ten items, we list 49 and place expectations on ourselves to accomplish them. Of course, they are not viable and we end up feeling like failures. 

Emily was elbowing me during the entire sermon. Hello! It's all true. The more I do, the more I feel my worth. I multitask in all I do. Another problem, I need to overcome if I choose to live Tiny. No room in a Tiny House or Rv for that! I can make all the schedules and lists I want, but they're pointless unless I make them smaller and realistic. 

So how do I cultivate patience?

Somewhere during the day, we need to take a minute to inhale deeply and pause. For me, that would be a bathroom stall at work. No one will bother you there for sure.

Remember the Sabbath. It doesn't have to be Sunday. Nowadays, only Chik Fil A does Sabbath. Take a day to just plain relax. Nothing else.

When was the last time you took a walk all by yourself with your phone off or any kind of technical devices? When was the last time you enjoyed some solitude with only God and nature as companions? 

So that schedule and list and organizational techniques went right into the trash. I don't want any of it. All I need is a calendar to list my appointments. The rest? It will happen naturally. The best work comes when we have plenty of time to work on it. Quality has always won over quantity. 

Happy Sabbath everyone.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Ovarian Cancer Pt.3

                                                                    Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I rest beneath the Almighty's shade,
    My griefs expire, my troubles cease;
  Thou, Lord, on whom my soul is stayed,
    Wilt keep me still in perfect peace.

All cancer treatments have side effects, but majority of them can be managed by your healthcare professionals. Before beginning treatment, learn as much as you can about those side effects and how they might affect your work, your health and your intimate relationships. Don't be the novice I was, research, research and more research.

Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. The chemo infusion travels through the bloodstream to reach all parts of the body. The infusion happens once every three weeks or so for a period of six months. Sometimes, it can be less. I've had various (3, 6 and 8 dosages).

Everyone responds to chemotherapy differently and that includes side effects. They may be severe or just a few, depending on your body's healing process. The side effects are:

Loss of appetite
Mouth sores
Increased chance of infection
Bleeding or bruising easily
Hair loss

I have found that iced water and a box of saltine crackers go a long way during treatment. I always bring a jug of iced water to treatment with me for that purpose. I was never a water drinker until cancer came into my life. Who knew the benefits of water during chemotherapy treatment?

Another tip for during treatment: Always have a box of clorox wipes handy. Every morning wipe down the counters, door knobs, or anything that you may be handling and where germs gathered. Just a quick wipe down is needed, especially in the kitchen and bathroom, even your car. To this day, I wipe down my desk, phone or mobile cart at work. 

I hope this helps, so feel free to share with others. Have a blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


                                                      Everyday is a brad new day, everyday is a journey.

Prayer. . . . over the years, I have explored and participated in the different ways we can pray. I'm always looking to learn all that I can about my faith. Although lately, I feel that I have become a ritualistic prayer warrior. What I mean by that is that I seem to have a form that I use over and over again. Almost the same wording as I pray. It makes me wonder, if I'm becoming a robot when I pray.

In the movie War Room, there was a pretty famous scene where the question was raised How is your prayer life? Is it steaming hot or tepid and lukewarm? None of us like anything lukewarm. It's true, we wouldn't enjoy a lukewarm cup of coffee or glass of water. Why would we think that God wants the same out of us? 

I've been feeling like that lately. I could do better. Pray better, more fervently and passionately than what I have been doing. Sometimes, we just become stale and we need more as if we've outgrown ourselves. It's time to move on to the next level. 

Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever felt like your prayers have become routine? Same-o, same-o? Maybe your prayers have come to a standstill. Perhaps, the words cannot come out, because it feels as if we've used them all up. Do we stop praying altogether? What do we do to bring that fervor back?

It's no different from the relationships we have with others. When there is a rift or boredom, what do we do? We change it up. We try to rekindle what we once had with that person. It's no different with God and prayer. Yes, my prayer life has taken a hit, but to me, that means I'm ready for the next level in my relationship with God. What does that next level look like? I have no idea . . . yet. Perhaps, I need to spend some time in the solitude and see what happens. 

Be still and know that I am god.

One of my favorite verses ever, but oh so true. Let me rest in the Lord as I try to figure this thing out. My relationship with God is so important to me. Let's deepen that relationship. Let's take it to the next level. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A Quick Update

                                                    Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

So I've been a little inactive this Summer. It seems that my thyroid has been acting up and I've been fighting fatigue. My legs also have been giving me a lot of trouble, especially at night. I can no longer avoid the very obvious. I need to go see a doctor about these legs. You know, after spending my entire Summer and Autumn at the doctor's last year, this is the last thing I want to do now. 

Just this past weekend, I barely did anything. Saturday, I spent a good part of the day with my mom and her sister. Sunday, we went to Church and the rest of the day was spent laying around watching Netflix movies. We even ordered in some pizza! Not once did I check the phone or e-mail. 

                                         My Aunt loved this picture of us.

As Monday rolled away around, I jumped out of bed with a renewed energy I haven't felt for a very long time. It's time to get off my lethargic behind and actually do something. A pretty good start to the week ensued. The focus right now is on finishing up all the loose ends of past projects. That also includes making that doctor's appointment!

So here we go! Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

On The Road Again

                                                        Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Sun of my soul, 
thou Saviour dear,
It is not night if thou be near;
O may no earthborn cloud arise
To hide thee from thy servants' eyes.

I love being on the road, travelling from state to state. Anytime, there is a road trip, I'm right on it. I can't help it, because it calls out my name ever so softly.

Our four day 4th of July weekend didn't quite start out smoothly by any means. My GPS gave out and I had to make an emergency pit stop for a new one. Then I realized I needed an USB car drive and headed back to the store. Had I been calmer, I'd realized there was one already provided in the GPS package to begin with. It wasn't until we got back home at the end of our trip before I found it in the box. Lovely.

The drive to Springfield itself couldn't have been better. The skies were blue and clear. We began early enough where there was absolutely no traffic. Then I've realized that the speed limit changed to 70, which meant we were doing over eighty. Not one State Trooper was out there. At least, not by me. This Sunday School driver that everyone made fun of arrived before everyone else. Hello!

It was perfect! The entire time out there was just perfect. The food, the fire works, the weather, everything! My favorite part was watching the children run around the yard, dirty, sweaty faces and barefooted, having the time of their life. I have no idea how many s'mores they consumed, but they were happy. Which made me extremely happy. 

The drive back was good, except the fact that my legs were aching. We had to stop a few times so I could stretch my legs for a bit. This has not been a good Summer for my legs (another story), but I was so relieved to be back home. I dropped off to sleep as soon as we arrived home, not waking until the next morning. Vacationing is great, but exhausting. 

I have to comment that my mom was already planning the next road trip way before we ever made it home from the current one. No need to recover on her end, lol. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Take A Tour

                                                             Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                everyday is a journey.

As morning hears before it run
The music of the mounting sun,
And laughs to watch his trophies won
From darkness, and her hosts undone,
And all the night becomes a breath,
Nor dreams that fear should hear and flee
The summer menace of the sea,
So hear our hope what life may be,
And know it not for death.

There are moments in our lives where we cannot see the rainbow for all the struggles, trials or just plain humdrum of life. Sometimes, we need to be reminded of what we have. Sometimes, we need to take a tour of what we have.

As I sit in my favorite chair in my living room, something I rarely get a chance to do, I take a long look around the room. In one corner stands my bookshelf, already spilling over with several books onto the floor. On the other side of it, stands another, filled with all my music boxes and carousels. On the wall an oil painting is hanging that my mom bought at Sears Tower over forty years ago. Of course, it's no longer known as the Sears Tower, but Willis. My beautiful rocking chair, something I've always wanted, stands next to the front door. 

These are all my treasures, my personal trinkets that mean so much to me. There is a story, a sort of history, behind each item in this room. The same can be said of every room in this apartment. I can walk into the bathroom and see the picture of flowers that Emily painted for me when she was young. In the bedroom, a framed letter from Joey hangs upon the wall that he wrote before my surgery. 

Yeah, life has had many ups and downs, but it also had many beautiful memories wrapped up into a special gift that no one can take from me. We forget these moments way too fast when the days turn sour. We have no problem remembering the awful stuff. Isn't that a shame? It should be the other way around.

Beautiful memories dissipate into the cold atmosphere, lasting only seconds while anger smolders into a full blown fire. Why is that? I have seen so many friendships and partnerships end bitterly, everyone forgetting the love that brought them together in the first place. I think we all need to take a tour of our lives. A slow tour, taking in every precious item so full of memories. So many stories to tell, to remember. Won't you take that moment?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

The Casserole Ministry

                                                                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                                    everyday is a journey.

 Make us of one heart and mind;
  Courteous, pitiful, and kind;
  Lowly, meek, in thought and word,
  Altogether like our Lord.

I have this firm belief that Churches should have Ministries where they support their communities. My current Church has many of these volunteer opportunities in doing just that. It is one of the main reasons why I come here. 

One of these Ministries happens to be the Casserole Ministry which offers various support groups to share a meal as they minister. These casseroles aid in helping home bound individuals the comfort of a hot meal. What a great idea for a Ministry. 

Serving, in general, goes way beyond being an Usher in Church. Don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being an Usher, or a Sunday School teacher, or a Greeter or any of the numerous volunteering opportunities that Church offers. Churches need volunteers. The point here is that there is something for everyone. 

Many people feel that they don't have the time or can't arrive early to serve, but we can serve in other ways. When I was on the PTA board when my children were small, that was one of the duties I had. . . . looking for volunteers. Not many people can come in and volunteer their time due to either work or other obligations. 

I quickly learned what each mother could do. The were moms who came in on a regular basis, helping out in the classrooms. There were moms who helped baked cookies from their homes for all the school functions. There were moms who loved to go on field trips or chaperone dances. There were moms who helped out by cutting, assembling or collating different paperwork from home. Every mom had a special volunteer gift, one just had to bring it out of her. 

That's how I feel about Ministry work. I believe we all have something to offer. We just have to think out of the box. Ministry involves serving and that could be anything. Take my mom, for instance. She needs a ride to her Church. Wouldn't it be great if someone could start a Ministry picking up people to do just that? 

So get your casseroles out, pick up your car keys or bake those cookies. There is someone out there who could really benefit from your service. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

If I Were Rich . . . .

I've never held a desire to be rich. I felt that money corrupted people and I didn't want my children to be corrupted. I had two goals for them: One, to finish school and two, to be decent people.

I've never really been a person to take chances such as gambling or playing the Lotto. I think I have played the lottery like two or three times in my life. The same thing goes for the casino. I've gone, but it never really held me in addiction. 

Money wasn't something I've ever dreamed of acquiring as much as my desire for having things. I wanted a large house with multiple rooms like a library, office, craft room. Somehow I never combined my need for material things with the accumulation of money. I may have wanted these things, but I didn't necessarily wanted them in a grandiose style. The granddaughter of a farmer never really left the farm after all.

Now, that I'm much older, my needs have changed quite a lot, but not my opinion about money. I'm very grateful to God that I have enough to live on comfortably. Not many others can say the same. I am truly content with all I have. I have no desire to become wealthy.

I'm often asked if I came into huge amounts of money, what would I do with it? Well, that Tiny Living would happen much, much sooner. I would give 10% to the Church outright and the rest to my Ministry. Can you imagine how much yarn I could buy? The places I could send donations to? Receiving blankets for Africa? The Philippians? No need to worry about shipping costs or supplies. 

These things are only fleeting thoughts since I don't think of wealth. Lately, we have had plenty of overtime at work (almost daily). I see people staying every single day. I used to be one of these people, working 10 to 12 hours daily. Pretty soon it began to be a part of my lifestyle. I lived in a house I couldn't afford. I lived a life I couldn't afford.

I feel bad for anyone that is living beyond their means, which is almost everyone. I remember the fear of not being able to provide for my family. Little did I realize that once you're behind, you will always be behind. One has to cut the fat, to come out ahead.

So now, I walk to my car while others at my work stay behind doing the money grind. I work overtime when I have no choice, but be mandatory. I live within my means only and upgrading doesn't happen until it actually breaks. In our household, needs win over wants hands down. You know what? I'm actually happier. Crazy, isn't it? I'm way richer spiritually and emotionally, than money could ever make me. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

Monday, July 10, 2017

10 Years Later

Can you believe it's been ten years since I've first been diagnosed with cancer? I never thought I would live this long. In fact, going beyond fifty seemed an impossibility. It was such a huge accomplishment for me. Now we're going for sixty!

When I think about that time in my life, it's very difficult for me to believe that person was me. My life is so different now, I'm so different now that I barely remember the old Lottie. Was I really like that? Did I really do those things? It's like looking at a movie of someone else's story. That just couldn't have been me, but it was.

Looking in the mirror can be difficult, almost painful at times, but it has to be done. I used to be such a planner. I had a five year plan. A ten year plan. An over forty plan. Nowadays, none of these plans exist, but one. Now, all I am looking toward is the retirement plan.

I have no idea what is in store for me in the coming years. I hope I can go on doing my Ministry work and writing this blog. Maybe even a new Ministry on the horizon? Who knows. Whatever it may be, I hope I am in acceptable health to do so. 

I don't need to know the future. I want to live in the here and now. When I was a young girl, I read my horoscope daily and often had my cards read in the hopes of knowing my future. That is the last thing on my mind nowadays. I will accept what comes my way with total submissive obedience. I will trust in Him. It's a little more exciting that way. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Living From The Heart

                                                                  Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                 everyday is a journey.

In all the little things of life,
    Thyself, Lord, may I see;
  In little and in great alike
    Reveal Thy love to me.
 So shall my undivided life
    To Thee, my God, be given;
  And all this earthly course below
    Be one dear path to heaven.

One of my fears is that I will stop caring when it comes to what is happening around me. I don't want to become immune to the suffering of the world, the community around me or show a lack of compassion to those near me. To me, to stop caring about life is a slow way to die.

God didn't save me ten years ago and gave me a second chance, a purpose for me just to abuse it. Sometimes, I feel like I'm becoming hard once again. The world can change a person, the way they think or how they see it from their view. I don't want to be the person I used to be. 

We struggle, don't we, in everything we do. The world is fast becoming distant, hungry for materialism and unattainable goals. It's a sure way for failure. For some reason, we are not satisfied with what we have and are continually searching for that "something more" that only God can fulfill. Remember that old Country song, Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places? Yeah, that's us.

None of us are exempt from falling into that cold trap of sterile emotions. Just the other day, while driving to work, a thought jumped into my head. What if there was an accident that occurred right in front of me? Would I stop to help? Would I stop to check if everyone was okay? I wish I could answer honestly yes, but for a millisecond, my first thought was I would be late for work. 

My first thought was about myself and not another person. Me, myself and I. I think we all can become coldly conditioned towards humanity if we stay too long in the world. Believe me when I say that I spent the majority of my weekend listening to broadcasts of various Evangelists in fear of staying lukewarm in the Word of God. 

The last thing I want to do is to be lukewarm in my love of God. I want to live wholeheartedly in the image of our Living Host, Jesus Christ. I don't want to stop caring or feeling or loving. Refresh me, Lord. Replenish my soul and send me forth anew. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, July 8, 2017

O Sweet Parable

                                                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

Purge from our hearts the stains so deep and foul,
    Of wrath and pride and care;
  Send Thine own holy calm upon the soul,
    And bid it settle there!

You know, sometimes, we just verve off course on purpose. I had different plans for today's post, but then I opened my devotionals and really liked the one from Dr. Charles Stanley. Since it is the weekend, I thought we could lighten up a bit. I hope you can enjoy the moral of this parable from the Bible. 

Dying to Be a Servant A Parable
Once upon a time there were two grains of wheat lying on the floor of a warm and cozy barn. But one day, the farmer came in and told them, "I want to take you out of this comfortable barn and plant you in the earth. I'm going to place you in the cold ground and cover you with soil. It will be dark, and you will die. But I promise that you will multiply and become very fruitful."
The first grain of wheat turned down the suggestion. "No way!" he said. "Count me out. I like my comfort, and I don't want to die." But the second one, after carefully considering the pain and discomfort of dying, decided the promise of a future harvest was worth the sacrifice. So the farmer took him outside and planted him in the ground, while allowing the first grain of wheat to remain inside the barn.
A few days later, a small green sprout appeared over where the seed had been planted. Then it grew and became a tall stalk of wheat that produced one hundred more grains. For the next forty years, the farmer planted all the seeds that had originated from that first grain of wheat, and year after year, the harvest multiplied. However, the grain of wheat that stayed in the barn remained there by itself, never multiplying--but he was very comfortable.
Which grain of wheat are you? Are you playing it safe, or have you let Christ plant you in the world? The only way you'll ever become useful and fruitful in God's kingdom is to abandon your own selfish desires, get out of your comfort zone, and serve the Lord by serving others.

For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit

Have a blessed day everyone.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Truth To Table

                                                                           Everyday is a brand new day, everyday
                                                                            is a journey.

What ought to be possible for everyone is to 
arrive at a sort of harmony of life,
 to have definite things that they want to do.... 
The people whom it is hard to fit into any scheme 
of benevolent creation are the vague, insignificant,
--Arthur C. Benson.

One of my great loves happen to be BIBLE STUDY. I love a good Bible study with plenty of homework and activities. I begin to thrive in that setting. Unfortunately, I cannot be in a women's group right now so I had to look elsewhere to fulfill that void. I did find a couple of on-line Bible studies one can join.

One of them is Truth To Table with Havilah Cunnington. All her studies consist of a fifteen to twenty minute video teaching followed with an e-mail devotional. What I like about her group is that one can easily follow along. She does very simple, but useful studies right from her kitchen table. 

Unlike other groups, she doesn't bombard you with excessive amount of homework. If you are looking for a quick devotional time on a daily basis, this is it. Usually, homework is one physical activity that we can do as we go about our daily lives. One problem I have with this study is that only half of her work is free. It could be several months before a free bible study is available. I can't really blame her since we all need to make money. 

In fact, it seems that the Summer is pretty non-existent for Bible studies. Oh, there a couple I've joined, but majority of them are saved for the other three Seasons where there is less physical activity in our lives. That's okay, I'm behind as it is. 

Enjoy your Summer everyone and have a blessed day, 

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Scraps Project

                                                                               Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                                   everyday is a journey.

A man's own observation, 
what he finds good of, 
and what he finds hurt of, 
is the best physic to preserve health. 
But it is a safer conclusion to say, 
"This agreeth not well with me, 
therefore I will not continue it";
 than to say, "I find no offense of this,
 therefore I may use it."
 For strength of nature in youth
 passeth over many excesses, 
which are owing a man till his age.
--Francis Bacon.

I love projects! I'm very excited about this one! The Scraps Project is where we make blankets for the homeless out of scrap yarn. There is always leftover yarn (scraps) no matter the project we were working on. Just as with all other projects, we will give ourselves a year's time to make as many as possible and then pass them out to the homeless just in time for Winter.

That's the idea, but I know that the time constraints will be difficult. We all have numerous responsibilities, we won't always be able to work as effectively on this project as we would like to. There will be slow days and busy days. There will be days where we will be unable to lay down the blanket and days where it won't be touched at all. Let's see what we can do. 

                                          It can be a small leftover ball.

                                                                                   Or just a scrap of yarn. 

Remember the coat of many colors? Not the story of Joseph in the bible, but the song from Dolly Parton. As we near the closure of the plastic homeless mats project, God has placed a new one in my heart. Your support is needed in the form of yarn and prayers. Let God guide our fingers and hands as we go forth offering clothing for the naked.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Coat Of Many Colors"
Back through the years
I go wonderin' once again
Back to the seasons of my youth
I recall a box of rags that someone gave us
And how my momma put the rags to use
There were rags of many colors
Every piece was small
And I didn't have a coat
And it was way down in the fall
Momma sewed the rags together
Sewin' every piece with love
She made my coat of many colors
That I was so proud of
As she sewed, she told a story
From the bible, she had read
About a coat of many colors
Joseph wore and then she said
Perhaps this coat will bring you
Good luck and happiness
And I just couldn't wait to wear it
And momma blessed it with a kiss

My coat of many colors
That my momma made for me
Made only from rags
But I wore it so proudly
Although we had no money
I was rich as I could be
In my coat of many colors
My momma made for me

So with patches on my britches
Holes in both my shoes
In my coat of many colors
I hurried off to school
Just to find the others laughing
And making fun of me
In my coat of many colors
My momma made for me

And oh I couldn't understand it
For I felt I was rich
And I told them of the love
My momma sewed in every stitch
And I told 'em all the story
Momma told me while she sewed
And how my coat of many colors
Was worth more than all their clothes

But they didn't understand it
And I tried to make them see
That one is only poor
Only if they choose to be
Now I know we had no money
But I was rich as I could be
In my coat of many colors
My momma made for me
Made just for me