Thursday, June 9, 2016

Throwback Thursday

                                    Everyday is a brand new day, 

                                     everyday is a journey.

  Here we are at yet another Throwback Thursday where we take a peek back to the year 2013 and provide an update on where we are now. 

Today, someone asked Emily about my recovery and how I'm doing emotionally. They even offered advice. Emily cracked me up with her response. She basically repeated the post below. Maybe not word for word, but they got the gist of it. You know, just when we think that our kids aren't listening, they surprise us. 

When I think of my beginning, I'm inspired to move forward. I don't ever want to forget that place. I may not want to re-live it, but I certainly want to respect and honor that time. There was a lot of learning from that experience that made us, not just me, but my children as well, who we are now. 

Each and every single bout I've had with cancer has taught me something about who I am in Christ. I've been looking in the mirror and seeing things that I'm not happy about seeing. The work inside of us is never completed, it is ongoing.


The Middle Of The Story

What inspires you? Is it the good deeds of others that are witnessed daily? How about  a book or famous movie? To some,  influential people throughout history spark an inspiration. To each of us, inspiration comes in different forms depending on who we are and where we are at during the stages of our lives.

One of my favorite commercials is the one for the famous soda company where each person sees someone do an act of kindness and they in return, do the same. I just love that commercial. What if we all did that? Can you imagine what would happen?

So what inspires you?

Speaking to my HR manager this morning, she remarked on my positive attitude. I wasn't born with this positive attitude regarding my cancer . . . I've earned it. It looks easy when one enters in the middle of the story. The beginning held so many layers like the skin of an onion . . . .raw and pungent . . . and fresh, bringing tears with every exposed layer.

Every time  someone mentions how well I'm handling this cancer situation, my mind wanders to the beginning . . . the past. A lot has happened for me to get here.

So what inspires me?

The past inspires me. It reminds me where I came from, what I've been through and where I'm heading. Having cancer changed my life for the better and I never want to forget that. I've always wondered when people read my blog . . . . . did they start from the beginning? Or did they just continue from wherever in the middle they happened upon?

So what inspires us? What provides us with the desire to get up and face the world? To produce beauty from ashes? We have hope and love within us to live the life Christ intended for us. The light within us that only He can provide.

So what inspires you?

Have a Blessed Week everyone.

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