Sunday, June 26, 2016

Highlight Of The Week #20

                                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                     everyday is a journey.

This week has been very uneventful and just downright boring. For the first time since my surgery, I really wished I was at work. That is saying a lot since work at this time of the Season is extremely hot! It's not that I had nothing to do, because my mentor came in from Texas and we hung out. I had breakfast with my bestie Belen and a visit from one of my nieces with her son.  I wasn't exactly alone.

My routine consists of rising early, eating breakfast and straightening up around the apartment. The place has never looked so pristine. Anytime I need to post a letter or get milk from the store, I've been walking instead of driving for a bit of scenery and exercise. I've caught up on my Bible study, read a couple of books, done crosswords and straightened up some paperwork. I've even brought out my crayons and colored pages of an adult coloring book. It's not enough.

I can't help, but go back to Emily's faithful words before the surgery. Mom, there's not enough to keep you occupied, because you like busyness. You will become bored.

Well folks, I'm officially bored! Besides, I'm running out of yarn. I have no more plastic bags for my homeless mats and my mind has become a total mush where I cannot write a sentence. I need a new purpose, but what could that purpose be?!

Unfortunately, I've picked up once again some of my bad habits from the past. Every evening, I turn on that stupid television watching aimlessly episodes of absolutely nothing. I did enjoy O.J. Simpson's Documentary and wish there were more of these types of programs.  Even my sacred rule of the Sabbath I've broken. No longer is Sunday family day. Everyday is family day. 

When my friend from Texas reached out to me, Emily couldn't wait to push me out the door. I think she is pretty sick of me, too. 

Have as Blessed day everyone. 

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