Saturday, June 25, 2016

Happy Lazy Saturday Afternnon

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

It is not that I feel less weak, but Thou
  Wilt be my strength; it is not that I see
  Less sin; but more of pardoning love with Thee,
    And all-sufficient grace. Enough! And now
  All fluttering thought is stilled; I only rest,
  And feel that Thou art near, and know that I am blest.

Sometimes, we have days where there is no urgency in anything we do. It doesn't matter that the chores are fully laden and overfilling. Our minds are empty of any work and totally filled with leisure. 

I sincerely had good intentions yesterday as I made my plans for today. I packed it tight as usual, getting up early to meet the day with expectation.  We're early risers here. I set out this morning to the neighborhood grocery store for milk and butter. We've been walking quite a bit lately, opting for the car to stay parked. It's so beautiful and sunny everyday, why not enjoy it?

On the way back, I could feel the sun upon my face and hear the birds chirping as they do very early in the morn. Suddenly, all desire to work left me as my mind filled with thoughts that had nothing to do with laboring.

Sometimes,  we want to lie on the couch watching nothing in particular while nibbling on an apple crumb cake and a glass of milk. The most strenuous activity involves stretching out the inactive limbs. 

Oh, lazy Saturday, how I welcome you! Enjoy this day that the Lord has made for us!

HAVE A blessed day everyone. 

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