Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Quit List

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

You will keep Him in perfect peace.
Whose mind is stayed in you
Because He trusts in you
Trust in the Lord forever
For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength.
Isaiah 26:3-4 

I've always been a person who believed in the safety of numbers. I believe in  surrounding myself with the tools or people who can help us in time of struggle. All this because I am a worrier. I worry about consequences from the past, things that are going on now in the present and definitely worry about things that may never happen at all in the future. 

So it's no wonder that I like to have a plan in place for that emergency. I need backups in case my car breaks down and I need a ride. Who can I call in the middle of the night when something breaks or I need to go to the hospital? What if the computer breaks down? I'd like to keep a list of close people whom I can depend on in time of trouble. I have a mechanic, a relative living within a few blocks, a close friend or two and a couple of people I work with that go my way. 

All of these people have basically moved on this year and I have been left with a blank-less list. In my quest for an even closer relationship with Our Lord (trusting), I've found that all my safety nets have been withdrawn. Today, I've learned of another of my Ministry volunteers who may be moving too far away from me. Who will take her spot to make those important deliveries? Can you smell the change that's in the air? I definitely can.

Even at work, I'm constantly hearing of this one or that one who has handed in their two week notice. Or they're retiring. Or fired. By the time I go back to work, it will be a ghost town. Or I just won't recognize the new people.

Yet, I find myself feeling  envious of their bold attitude towards life. They don't need reassurances that things will be alright. They just go and then they deal with whatever comes their way. I'm such a worrisome person. I need my feet planted firmly on the ground. They say a woman needs security. I think that's true. 

So for now, it's just the Lord and I. He leads and I follow. Although, sometimes He steps aside and points in the direction I should go. I'm scared, but I go. It might be a dark tunnel and it may even hurt, but somehow He's always there to meet me on the other side. At least, He will never quit me.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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