Saturday, June 4, 2016

Things Not To Say

Once again someone shared their insight as to why my cancer keeps coming back or why I have it in the first place. I'm glad that somebody knows why I have cancer, because it seems that no Oncologist I know does. Scientists for decades, maybe centuries, have been perplexed over this disease. 

I have heard various accounts, but yesterday's really miffed me. So I thought I would compose a list of things not to say to anyone with a chronic illness, especially cancer.  So here we go!

1. Do not say the cancer is back, because of all the sugar a person eats.
In other words, I'm fat and if I lost some weight maybe this cancer would stop growing back. That's the most ridiculous and hurtful thing I've ever heard. There is nothing wrong with my sugar count as I do my Bio-metric screening yearly. Besides, there are plenty of thin people who have cancer.

2. The mother looks better than the daughter.
Do not make disparaging remarks about the appearance of someone who is in treatment. We lose our hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and heck, all the hair on our bodies. Our skin becomes reddened, darkened, blotchy and even bloated. We gain weight and look haggard. Heavens, we are injecting our bodies with radiation and chemotherapy! Trust me when I say that it will affect more than just our cancer. Be careful when you see someone who may look sickly or pale. You have no idea what they are going through.  

3. If you had more faith and asked God to heal you, He would.
I don't know even where to begin with this one. I hear this on a continual basis. For some reason, people seem to think I haven't asked for healing or perhaps, I might have too much sin in my life. That's why God hasn't taken this cancer from me. Some even think I shouldn't be saying the "C" word. If I'm fine and at peace with my situation, why aren't you?

I'm sorry. I know I sound angry, but I'm more disappointed than anything. I guess it just proves what I always say, people do not understand cancer. 

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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