Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Disappointment Is Real

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Where our Captain bids us go,
'T is not ours to murmur, "No,"
He that gives the sword and shield,
Chooses too the battle-field
On which we are to fight the foe.

So the Company I work for has been sold and now we have a new employer. Even though I'm glad to still have a job, that simple act changes everything. The future may look bright and hopeful, but for me, I'm a little disappointed.  

You may wonder why, but you see, I am so close to my retirement package (7 years) under the old management that I know that will change under this new management. I could have walked away with full benefits within seven years at the age of 57 1/2 . Not bad, eh? 

For someone like me, who has had cancer four times, this truly was something I was looking forward to. You see, time is limited and I  am very well aware of the ticking of that clock. None of us know how long we have on this Earth, but I want to actually live this life and not sit on the sidelines watching from afar.  

This is truly that old adage of God's will versus my will. I have been coming to terms with the concept of living in my Tiny House not happening. Or at least postponed until much further notice. That really saddens me. Apparently, God has other plans for me and I need to realign myself to that plan.

Trust me, the disappointment is very real, but so is God's plan for me. So we are disappointed. We mourn. We pick ourselves up and head into a new path. Where are we going? I have no idea, but I do know I won't be ever alone for my God is with me. 

Have a Blessed day everyone.  

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