Saturday, January 23, 2016

If I Could Linger

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

If Thou Couldest Know
“I think if thou couldest know,
O soul, that will complain,
What lies concealed below
Our burden and our pain,
How just our anguish brings
Nearer those longed-for things
We seek for now in vain,
I think thou would’st rejoice, and not complain.
I think if thou could’st see,
With thy dim mortal sight,
How meanings, dark to thee,
Are shadows hiding light;
Truth’s efforts crossed and vexed,
Life’s purpose all perplexed,
If thou could’st see them right,
I think that they would seem all clear,
and wise, and bright.
And yet thou canst not know,
And yet thou canst not see;
Wisdom and sight are slow
In poor humanity.
If thou could’st trust poor soul,
In Him who rules the whole,
Thou would’st find peace and rest,
Wisdom and right are well, but trust is best.”
Adelaide A. Procter

It's funny what we can discover about ourselves when reflecting on the past. I'm not sure if it's the arrival of the New Year or being huddled inside during the cold months, but my mind has been drifting back to the past in analysis.

I am a person who doesn't linger basking in what is around me. I'm way too busy or over-scheduled in my tasks to sit and relax. That's where my problem lies. 

I don't know how to linger. I can go to a birthday party or a family event, mingle for a bit and be one of the first people to leave. I never outstay my welcome and do the opposite. I don't stop in unexpectedly, usually it's on my way to another place.

I'm constantly multitasking! Even now, I have at least four windows open, flitting back and forth between them as I write this post. I write a few paragraphs, go to another page and leave a message for someone. 

How do I linger? How do I still my mind to just sit down and mingle with people without worrying about all the things that I need to do? That is definitely something I'm working on right now. 

Life to me, is a constant learning process where we are looking in the three way mirror for that imperfection to erase or smooth out. None of us are completely done, all perfect and immaculate. 

I know people who have no problem lingering, regardless of the problems that await them elsewhere. They don't worry about the mundane chores, countless necessary errands or deadlines that need to be done. So there are dishes in the sink? Laundry piling up? Refrigerator empty of food? It can wait, I'm enjoying myself right now. 

I need to be more like them. I need to take the time in admiring life around me. I need to sit and listen intently to the needs of my friends and family. I need to see the seed growing. I need to linger.

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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