Friday, January 22, 2016

Fast 3

Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

As we are in the last week or so of the Fast, I have decided to continue on with this new routine. I really feel good, my soul rested and quite energized. I would like to continue this trend throughout the year.

As to my Facebook games, I've made a decision to play them at night when I come home from work. That's usually the period where I am too tired to write or even crochet. I normally watch something and go to sleep, but I can use this time in a better way. I can play games, lol.

In my research to develop an even deeper relationship with God, I've come across the following list from Pastor Rick in ways for effective prayer. Since we are fasting, this seemed a great time to share the following with all of you. I hope this helps in your quest to become closer to God.

Start your new year off with a special time of prayer. Commit this week to praying and dedicating this year to God's purposes in your life. Here are ten ways to make sure your prayers are as effective as possible.
1. Make prayer God-centered rather than problem-centered.
2. See prayer as a privilege more than a duty.
3. Let your prayer be with the Spirit’s help instead of your skill.
4. Embrace the authority of Christ rather than the lies of the enemy.
5. Pray like a victor not a victim.
6. Focus on Christ more than technique.
7. Pray based on God’s Word rather than your will.
8. Approach prayer as an encounter more than a request.
9. Come to prayer through Christ’s work not your merits.
10. Pray regularly rather than occasionally.

Listen to Pastor Rick's High Impact Living broadcast on

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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