Saturday, January 9, 2016

A Million Dollars

                                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                          everyday is a journey.

One day at work, our conversation turned toward winning the lottery and what we would do with all of that money. 

I would buy a house, paid in full so I wouldn't have a mortgage. 

I would pay off my student loans and put the rest in savings.

I would buy a house for each of my children.

I would buy an RV and travel the fifty states.

I would pay off my bills, my house and put the rest in the bank. 

I would buy a new car. 

I would buy a business so I could be my own boss. 

It went on and on as each of us voiced our dream felt hearts upon winning so much money. None of us planned on stopping to work, maybe only part-time, but still working. My boss sat quietly listening as we went back and forth dreaming. Finally, he couldn't contain himself any longer and yelled out.

"You guys  are making decisions based on your poor people status. Think big, people. You have won the lottery! Buy an island! Buy a private jet! All of you would quit your jobs".

I believe he is right. I know that my mind cannot wrap itself around the concept of that much money. What does that look like? How does that feel? I cannot even imagine it, let alone decide on how to spend it.  

I've been living and thinking in a mediocre way these past two years. Am I really stepping out of my comfort zone? Am I venturing out in bold steps unto an unknown path? No, I've been playing it safe. 

Do you remember the last time I thought big? A crocheting Ministry happened. Do you remember the last time I asked God to lead me for His bidding? I started writing a blog. Who knows what else we have inside us waiting to come out. If only we weren't so scared to try. Every single one of us has that capacity  to be a leader. All we have to do is reach deep inside and pull them out. I cannot wait to see what else God has in store for me. How about you?

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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