Friday, January 8, 2016

Highlight Of The Week #1

                                        Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I think this work week has been the slowest ever in my twenty year history with the company. There just wasn't any work to do. How many times can I clean out my desk drawers or rearrange the items on my desk or reshuffle the paperwork? Keeping busy was certainly a challenge this week as each passing day proved more difficult than the last. 

I watched as fellow co-workers took the opportunity to call in or go home without pay a little earlier. I remained steadfast to my goals for this year and opted to stay. No way am I using up my vacation time for senseless reasons. I have plans for this year. So I stayed at work and tried my very best to at least look busy.

There is nothing more difficult than creating work where there is none. That clock hand moved so darn slowly that an ordinary 8 hour work day seemed more like 16. The last day was absolutely the worst, all because I simply ran out of things to do. Desperate, I decided to clean out the tiny room where the refrigerators are kept, only to find out someone else beat me to it. 

The funny thing is that each night I left work so exhausted from doing absolutely nothing! I spent the entire day yawning, stretching and basically ready to take a nap. Give me a hectic and chaotic work schedule any day! Anything is better than this. 

So the highlight of the week is my idleness and inactivity. I am very proud of myself for not giving in  and taking a vacation day. At least, I can say my productiveity at home has been outstanding!

Have a Blessed day everyone.


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