Friday, January 1, 2016

End Of The Year Update

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

On the great love of God I lean,
Love of the Infinite, Unseen,
With nought of heaven or earth between.
This God is mine, and I am His;
His love is all I need of bliss.

This has certainly been a very fast-paced 2015 filled with appointments either medical or dental in nature. It has been on our "to do" list for a long time and we finally have accomplished that feat crossing it off that list for good.

Looking back, all I can say is that I'm glad it's over. It was extremely difficult to juggle the expense and lack of time involved with only the mornings free. I hate not having any time to actively pursue my daily routine. Remember, my love language is accomplishments.  

I struggled deeply with letting go of what once was and with accepting the norm of the now. Change has never affected me in such a way before and my reaction surprised me beyond words. I am a creature of habit more than I care to admit. I dislike losing friendships for  whatever reason and the past two years have not been kind to me in that department. 

When I was a young girl, there was this program on television where women in therapy all lived together in one home while being treated. Each of them had a different problem and had to perform these therapeutic exercises designed to help them overcome their situation.

 One such young woman had to carry around all these bags with her everywhere she went. This symbolized all her "baggage" from her past. If she went to the bathroom, so did her bags and so on and so on.  One morning they had to walk uphill for a spiritual track. This poor woman struggled uphill with all her bags, dropping them everywhere as she tracked upwards. Finally, she had enough of these bags and threw them down  the hill. 

I feel like that woman. I'm ready to throw down those bags. It's time.  

Have a blessed day everyone.  

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