Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Eat. Pray. Hustle.

                                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                          everyday is a journey.

“I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed
Against the earth’s sweet-flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain,
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.”
Joyce Kilmer

Eat. Pray. Hustle. My very first on-line bible study. Do I like it? Well, I have never been in a bible study where there wasn't any discussion afterwards, so I do miss that interaction. Otherwise, I do love the option to watch it comfortably any time of the day. 

What I do find extremely interesting is that the bible study is about living out our God given dreams. That is exactly my goal for this year. Now, I have found my God given dream twice already, once with this blog and the other with my crocheting ministry. 

The goal for this year is about living out God's will for me. I want to concentrate on doing His will in everything I say or do. Let my actions  be a reflection of who I am in Him.

One may think that with two goals already in the making, why would I look for something else? I believe we are never truly done. There is always more to learn, more to accomplish, more ways to extend ourselves in bold ways. I truly believe there is something else that God has in store for me. 

As to the the bible study....... well, I'm sort of hooked to on-line studying. I already signed up for another one.  One of my favorite things I've learned from this one is to make a covenant with all the things that are important to me. This way, I show my commitment towards work, being a mom, a wife, my writing or my ministry. I am declaring that this is important to me. I love that idea.

Another interesting fact I took away from this bible study is that nothing stops a dream faster than fear. That has been my problem for most of my life. I will analyze something to death all from fear. I will make lists of pros and cons, anything to help that fear grow. 

Thirdly, we need two main people in our life to help make this dream grow. One as a cheerleader to encourage us through it and the other to be the coach, telling you what needs to be fixed. They have to be two separate people. Always remember that dreams need to be protected and have to be in a healthy environment. 

As this Bible study concludes in the next two days, I find that I will miss it. It barely took twenty minutes of my life, yet I find that my soul is thirsty for more knowledge. I've always thrived on a more in depth studying of the word. As one ends, another one is beginning soon that offers just that. The world is forever moving so don't forget to get on.

Have a Blessed day everyone.  

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