Monday, September 8, 2014

Volunteer Monday

There is nothing more inspiring than learning you have unknowingly encouraged someone to step forth and become a part of something bigger than themselves by volunteering . How ? By our own actions in serving our community . 

Since starting this Crocheting Ministry a little over a year ago , I would post the different organization that we have donated to along with any information regarding their work in the community . 

A deep desire was awakened in one individual as she read about the different charities in her own backyard . The serving in itself required so little of her , only a few hours here and there . She felt  she could donate that much to her community . 

We are taught to serve in our Churches , but we never think about serving in our neighborhoods . Why is that ? Please don't get me wrong , I think serving in your Church is very important . Churches need servants , but we often forget about the world needing us . 

Serving in a Church is easy , safe and convenient , but try being bold in your serving . Try stepping out and serving people who aren't Christians . Maybe people who have never heard of God . Or have heard of Him , but are angry with Him for their situation in life . 

Try packaging and distributing care bags to the homeless of Logan Square like our friend Gene . Perhaps spending a few hours playing bingo with the seniors in a retirement home like Brigette and Lola have done . Give up  a Saturday , once a month , labeling and packaging in the food pantry  like Cindy . Maybe  delivering goods to charitable organizations like Belen or Crystal once every few weeks . 

One thing I find is that people use that old adage of " I just don't have time " , way too often . Who has Time ? We have time to watch a movie . We have time to spend with our friends . We have time to sleep in on our day off , but we can never find time to help another person in need ? 

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me .Matthew 25:35
Volunteering seems to scare people, for some reason . Is it the harsh reality of it ? Or are we afraid their situation will rub off onto us ? I don't know why. It's almost like we want to detach ourselves emotionally so we don't have to actually feel . We know that if we begin to feel , we will begin to care . 
We can begin slowly . You have too much food left over and have no idea what to do with it ? Make a couple of plates and pass them out to the homeless . They're easy to find , they're usually holding a sign that says : HELP ME .
Have a blessed day everyone .

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