Saturday, September 6, 2014

At Summer's End

This morning was the first time in a very , very long time that I was able to fling open the windows . Let the cool , cool breeze come into my humble abode . I'm looking forward to Fall . 

I've noticed that I'm much calmer and carefree outside of work .  It has been horribly humid in the warehouse as well as the rest of the      building . Add in my hot flashes and all I've wanted to do is play     hookie  . These summer months have been a real struggle for me at work , preventing me from truly enjoying the weather . Home has become my haven where the air conditioner has been running on 
  high . 

At least , on the inside it is quiet . On the outside , my little village life has been turned upside down with construction on every street and on every corner  . Drills , jackhammers and John Deer equipment play havoc on a daily basis , starting promptly at 7 a.m. every morning . So punctual ! 

As the outside roars with busyness , so does the inside of our little apartment . While my Crocheting Club has been off for two months of no meetings , I have been busy preparing for the Fall . I've  gathered  yarn donations , done some ad work in promotions and an overhaul improvement of our Club . A new year is ahead of us with new ideas and plans . Looking forward to this new journey . 

As the summer days are at an end , I know appointments have to be made to the dentist and oncologist . Having taken the time to rejuvenate and just play  has been great , but it's time to get to work . A new doctor means an all out testing will be done from head to toe
   ( uggh ) , not looking forward to that . 

My peeping ex-neighbor is not the only one vacating the building . We have another unit that is leaving soon , so two new neighbors will be joining our little apartment family ( heehee ) . I wonder what they will be like ? 

A new season brings about changes that are welcomed and some that are not . Some are exciting and we cannot wait for them to happen , while others we hope never do . Changes occur on a regular basis , because it is a  must in our life to grow , accept and learn so we can move on to the next chapter of the next lesson . Isn't life exciting ?

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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