Monday, September 15, 2014

Sponsor Me Monday

On our refrigerator door you will find a cluster of pictures of children , all boys . No one enters our kitchen without inquiring about them . Who are they ? Why are they there ?

They're our sponsor children in the Philippines . We've been doing this for years now . It began with my son , Joey and his little boy from South America . I can't even remember the place , it's been so long ago , nor his name . 

I followed suit with a little boy named Jorge whose named  I pronounced like George . I was his sponsor for about a year when my cancer struck and I spent the summer months going back and forth to the hospital . It was Fall when I had a chance to catch up on old mail that piled up during my illness . 

Sometime during that time , Jorge turned into Reymark . Jorge left school and joined the workforce  like many boys in these poor countries do to help support their families . Reymark is not far behind in doing the same as his predecessor . He's already been missing
 school . 

Emily's boys have fared much better than mine . Her  first ( Chito ) graduated from a Hospitality Trade School and her current ( Daryll ) is an Honor Roll student with a diploma sure to happen  . 

It is a common joke between us , how poorly mine do and hers quite the opposite . It doesn't end there . Her letters from them are lengthy and full of stories about themselves and their daily lives . Mine barely write two sentences where they say " hello " and " goodbye " all in the same breath . 

All joking aside , we have always said that no matter how bad finances may get , we will find the resources to keep being sponsors . It is the most fulfilling experience to know we had a hand in changing
 someone 's life for the better . What we are doing makes a difference and I want to keep on offering hope where otherwise none existed . 

Won't you join us and sponsor a child ? Will you offer hope to someone who has no idea what  that means ? Change starts with us . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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