Monday, September 29, 2014

A Monday's Change

When we change our words, we change our hearts. And when we change our hearts, we can change our world.

Jennifer Dukes Lee

This past weekend , I found an article on how we need to change our view regarding our work life . It seems that there are more people who dislike their jobs than ever before . The article focused on how we need to adjust our attitudes when we can't afford to change our careers . 

Easier said than done . If you're like me , work is work . It is  a place we go to make a living salary . We have more bad days  than good , but we make it through somehow and look forward to the weekends . This does not define who we are , it is just an extension of us . 

I have been with the same company for nineteen years . It's difficult to get excited  when we've done it all , said it all and worked with all . Everything is the same , it just has a new name slapped on it . 

The article was a very hard read for me  in the sense that it could actually work . I don't believe in instant  therapy . Things take time and that goes for how we feel regarding our jobs . Adjusting our minds and hearts is not something that can be done in a snap . At least not for    me . 

I need to examine why am I feeling in a particular way . Could I change some of my circumstances by a shift change or a department change ? Maybe I need to address a situation in a better way ? There are things we can do to make life at work more satisfying , but it all requires time and patience  . 

I know I go in everyday with a smile on my face ready for what the day may bring . Situations happen , people's moods happen , management decisions happen and quickly my smile fades away . I try to adjust that attitude daily , because even though  I may not care for the job I'm doing , I care how I do my job . 

It's Monday , and we're heading out again , leaving our families and the sanctity of our homes to provide for our loved ones . If there is ever anyway to lift our spirits while doing so , let's think of them every time  work becomes a chore or a challenge . Isn't this why we  go out there in the first place ?

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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