Sunday, September 7, 2014

Dancing Lula

The nurses on my floor all accompanied me down the elevator and to my waiting ambulance on the day of my discharge . Being surrounded by the nurses that fed me , medicated me, bathed me , and did only Lord knows  what else , made my going home that day so wonderful .
Excerpt from 90 Minutes in Heaven

I loved the nurses at Rush . They were more than nurses , they became friends . On their breaks , some of them would stop by for a chat to see how I was  doing . Being in a hospital for long periods , creates relationship that can feel like family . 

One nurse in particular , her name was Lula , stole my heart . Seeing her every morning , five days a week , she would tell me stories of her children , all ten of them . She always had a smile on her face no matter what she may have been feeling on the inside . 

Years later , I was invited by my niece Kathy to a Baptist Church in Chicago to hear one of her bosses preach . Of course , our Church being casual , we were very under-dressed . 

During worship , I saw  a familiar face . There was Lula , dancing up  a storm praising our Lord , right up front . She was smiling that same smile that I remembered so well . 

After the service , I introduced her to my niece and she did the same to the entire congregation . I used to be her patient and look at me now .  More dancing . More celebration . How could you not love her ? 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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