Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Preacher Am I

She sat on my bed quietly as I wrote my blog . I wasn't fooled for a minute . I knew she was taking in every word I was typing . Her young , sharp and alert eyes were making sure I only wrote good things about her .

" You're a preacher , mom ."

What ? Me ? There is one talent I definitely know I don't possess is evangelism . I'm in awe of people who can preach the word to a complete stranger verse and text . I always seem to know what to say a couple of days after being confronted . Me , a preacher ? No way .

" Aren't you telling people about God ? "

I guess I am . I'm telling people what God has done in my life . I'm a walking testimonial . I'm not a preacher .

That took place a good week ago and I'm still thinking about that conversation . I've never realized it , but she is right . The one thing that sticks out the most is the fact that I have alot of power .

Whether here or in the Children's Church , I have the power to influence people  . I want that influence to be a positive one  . I never want to lead someone astray .

We all hold that power within us . People notice how we act , what we think and how we say things . We  influence people with our everyday behavior . Let that influence lead people on the right path .

Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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