Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Baby On The Way

Standing in the aisle filled with yarn , I find myself looking for colors and textures fit for a baby . This yarn is not for the slippers but for a separate project that is pretty close to home . My Godson and his wife , Missy , are expecting their first child .

When they made their announcement a few months ago , everyone was surprised . No one was expecting to hear this type of news . They certainly kept their plans of starting a family a secret .

After their announcement , I looked at my Godson and I held back tears . He was all grown up . Married . Now , awaiting the birth of his first child . How monumental is that ? Life goes on . My chest swells with pride and I find myself thinking of all the things I wish I could tell him , but I know that he needs to experience this journey himself .

A moment like this is sacrilegious . In having this baby they are cementing their relationship as a couple . No matter what the future holds for them , they will be forever linked together as parents to this child . They are taking responsibility as parents to raise this child through both the good and bad times . It is a huge commitment and I'm very proud to see my Godson taking on this responsibility as a father and leader of his family .

I find myself very emotionally teary eyed as we await this new addition to our family . With every loop  and every stitch I make , I pray God Blesses this child with good health and wisdom as he or she comes into this world . Never have I made a blanket so filled with love as I do for this child . A child is a gift from God .

Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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