Friday, October 5, 2012

Here Comes Moses

    Moses : never have I related to anyone like I do to him . This second time around with cancer , has been about a discovery of who I am . I am alot like Moses . I constantly doubt myself . I'm not a great speaker , but I can write .
    This crocheting ministry of mine is a perfect example of the relationship between Moses and myself . I have a desire to do something good , something worthy . I get scared . I doubt myself . Who am I to accomplish anything ? What happens ? It gets shelved . Just like Moses , I get a push from God , to get moving .
 An idea pops into my head and I write about it .
         Too scared and doubtful of myself to do anything about it.
 God  sends friends with a basket of yarn to realize the idea .
          Called out publically and held accountable , I realize I have no clue how to crochet a slipper .
God provides an old friend of family to teach me .
   I practice over and over again how to make this slipper . After three variations , finally settling on one . Reality sets in , the cost of all that yarn....
God provides donations upon donations of yarn
   Looking at the piles of yarn , I panic and start to doubt on who would want my meager looking slippers .
God provides encouragement from friends , relatives , a radio interview , letters , emails .
   Friends , I fight doubt and insecurities all the time , especially now . Sometimes , I sit and look at all the slippers I have made and think to myself , who on earth would want these . I feel He is pushing me to finish this thing .
  So , like Moses , I plod into the unknown , hoping it will all turn out okay .
Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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