Saturday, October 13, 2012

Praying Hands

 I've prayed all of my life . I've prayed when I was a Catholic and now as a Christian . Prayer has always been important to me . I cannot drive my car without saying a prayer of safety  and protection . Still , I have alot to learn about prayer and how to pray .

I want to be a professional prayer like the Pastors and Laymen in Churches . They pray as if on fire !They can pray at the drop of a hat . On demand , anytime and anyplace . When asked to pray , they pray a prayer that is paragraphs long and so very beautiful . It's like listening to a beautifully written poem  to God . Ask me to pray and I'll pray a couple of sentences , stuttering all the way .

Prayer is something people shy away from publicly . I can remember in my Women's Group whenever a member was asked to pray , there would be alot of " oh no , not me " or " I don't know how ". Yes , people shy away from public prayer . They don't deem themselves worthy or knowledgeable in prayer .

So how does one learn to pray ? I believe you should just keep praying out loud whenever you get a chance . I pray out loud while I drive in my car . I have to admit that I fight inadequate feelings all the time , especially if I'm around someone whom I consider to be a prayer breather !

In Sunday School , whenever I lead , I have the children lead us in prayer . I want them to start young so by the time they are adults they will feel comfortable breathing prayer . Doubt is the devil in disguise and we don't want him around .

Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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