Tuesday, October 2, 2012

God Moments Of My Life Pt.2

        Some God moments in my life were times where God , Himself , would propel me in the direction he wanted me to go . Never even gave me a chance to think about it , but like a pupil who is learning to ride a bike , He gave me a shove and down the hill I went . Pedal , Lottie , pedal !

             I didn't start off in the children's ministry right away like many people assume . In fact , I didn't start serving for the first two years . I had no idea where I should begin . I would watch people sign up for things right away , but not me . I was lost to my spiritual talent . I didn't know if I should be an usher , or greeter , or work in the resource center . I dallied with my decision on where to serve .
           A great friend of mine , Anna , was a sunday school teacher and she asked me if I could be her helper . After helping a few times , I "dallied " with the idea of becoming a teacher with a class of my own . This I kept to myself and told no one because I "dallied " with alot of things back then .
         After service one day , the Children's Director at that time , met me on my way out .
    " I put you on the schedule for next month to teach 1st and 2nd grade . Here's the lesson ."
       I didn't hear nothing after that . I don't know what floored me more , the fact that I was teaching or the fact that she knew that I was thinking about it . How did she know , anyway ? I never shared this with anyone .
       I honestly believe God made that decision for me , pointing out a talent I didn't even know I had . I'm glad , because I really love what I do every Sunday . He was just tired of my " dallying" and gave me a great shove in the right direction .
Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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