Thursday, October 4, 2012

Be My Guest

     For the last couple of weeks , my mind has been preoccupied with a request made by one of my good friends . She has invited me to be a guest writer on her blog . Could I please write something about my crocheting ministry ? My mind suddenly turned to mush .
     How do I make something new out of something old ? How can I refresh and renew the same old story I have told so many times ? I don't want to be one of those people who repeats the same old story that everyone is tired of hearing . I don't want to sound like a repetitive record that got stuck and can't move forward .
    Suddenly , I remembered that the Bible is a story that I have heard over and over again , but each time , I received  a different perspective from it . Maybe , I can do that with my story .
    So , today , there is no story on this blog . Today , my story is somewhere else , so please , click in at :
 Maureen Carroll Sebek
I hope you can enjoy this old story , once again . Have a Blessed Week everyone .


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