Monday, May 28, 2012

Sharing The Stories

  During my journey I have encountered many people with different illnesses , not just cancer . Their stories really not much different from mine . It seems that once you have become ill , you want to hear and know others in similiar circumstances . In my case , it seems everyone in my life knows someone with cancer . Suddenly cancer is everywhere .
   I can remember how important it was for me to hear of another woman with ovarian cancer particularly her survival rate . Once , I spent an entire week searching on the web . Reading each story and growing in despair as I found how often the cancer came back . That made me even more determined to find at least one story where it didn't .
   My doctor said it best . Don't spend your remaining life waiting to die . Keep living a full life . I'm definitely trying my best to do just that .
  Still , it's very difficult to go on when others around you have not made it but passed on . Their stories are not easy on the ears . They are heartbreaking .  I have visited many a bedside bringing coffee and bagels to a grieving family as they watch their loved one slowly dying . I have seen the slow and painful death of cancer . I have seen a grown man , whimpering and tears streaming down his cheeks with pain that meds could not mask . It took two weeks for him to die . Knowing that's how I'm going to die scares the heck out of me .
  I can remember a certain young man of 29 years dying . I remember driving to work and a sudden despair overtook me and I replayed " Word of God Speak " over and over again later finding out that was the moment he passed .
  Yes , people share their stories with me all the time . Mostly , they are positive and uplifting . They are meant to encourage me to keep believing . To never give up .
  Everytime , I see Linda now , my heart bleeds . This woman , once , was a very positive - I - will - never - give -up kind of woman and now ? She's tired and worn out . There is no more twinkle to her eye .The smile is forced and she is so very tired .
  Sharing their stories keeps them alive in our hearts . Their stories encourage us to face each day . To appreciate what we have and the time we have with the people in  our lives . To those who are battling their disease ? Let's continue to pray for their healing and for their strength to face the hard days . Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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