Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lateral Violence

      Why is work so hard ? Of all the relationships in our lives , why are the work relationships the most difficult ? There is always that one person who wants to see you miserable . That takes every available opportunity to make you feel small . Why ? What is it about me that threatens this person ? Goading is their favorite pasttime .
      It's funny how God works . When your hurting , He always lets you know He is there . He is aware of you're situation . During lunch I come across an article on " lateral violence " .
     Lateral violence .
back stabbing , innuendo , infighting , sabotage , verbal affronts , failure to respect privacy .
    Sounds familiar ? I think , I have experienced everyone of these with my " one person ". We all have that person , don't we ?
    After a particularly hard week , I feel drained and hopeless . I turn to the One who I know will help me through this . I am not alone . We all have experienced weeks like this . We all have that one person who is a trial .
      We set out to work , trying to accomplish what is set in front of us . We don't bother anyone . Yet , we get attacked .....for what ? I honestly believe that it's a jealousy issue of some sorts . Their own life is missing something.....most likely a relationship with Christ . I know alot of people who believe in God but have no relationship with Him .
      Even as this person hurts me , I feel sorry for them to have to stoop to that level to feel good about themselves . Do they really feel good about themselves ?
     As I prepare for work tonight , I pray , " Jesus  walk with me ".

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