Sunday, May 27, 2012

Love Thy Neighbor

     Love thy neighbor . How many times have we heard that phrase ? A phrase I can't escape from it seeems . From my childhood until now , this phrase follows me around . Love thy neighbor .
    During my life I have loved and hated my neighbor . I have been jealous and I have ignored my neighbor . Out of all the commandments , this one is the hardest . Our relationship with others goes through many levels .
    How many of us have that one person we both love and hate ? That one person we keep wanting to sever all ties with but can't ? I have a someone like that . I don't hate this person but they really aggravate me . I struggle with our relationship . Many times , I have thought of ending this relationship .
   What stops me ? Love thy neighbor . Everytime  the idea of ending it comes up in my head , I run across that phrase . It happened again this weekend . Again . this person's ways and character  begs me to run for the hills .Something always pops up to prevent me from cutting her out of my life .
  I have known this person for over ten years . God obviously , wants me to work on us and perhaps , more importantly , work on myself . Love thy neighbor . So hard to do that .
  With the Holy Spirit inside me , I just can't walk away from her . There is something that impels me to stay and try harder to love her . Have a Blessed Week everyone and remember to love thy neighbor .

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