Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sharing My Story Part 1`

   Lately ,  people seem to ask me  how my cancer was the first time around .      
   My story goes back to May of 2007 where my Emily was graduating high school . I remember what a busy time it was with her graduation , luncheons , prom , pictures , preparing for college  . . . . so much to do .
    I first noticed something wrong in March . I actually felt the tumor in my belly . I didn't know what it was but I knew I needed to see a doctor . I would see one after Emily's graduation . There was too much to do now . Now , looking back , I can see how stupid that was for me to wait .
    I think we all make that mistake thinking that it's nothing . When I finally went it was May 25th , 2007 . Believe me , I will never forget that day . They rushed me immediately for tests and when the tests came in , I was ordered into the hospital . Went through surgery where they took out my tumor weighing in at 7 pounds . They gave me a complete hysterectomy and informed me that I had stage 3 ovarian cancer .
     Even then , I wasn't panicked nor did I realize the enormity of what was to follow . I think that was the day my life really changed never to be the same again . I handled the news like I handled everything back then .. . . .  .with a plan . In my mind , I told myself that I would give myself 3 weeks to recuperate from this surgery . Another 6 months of chemo treatment . I should be back at work by September at the most because I don't need to be at home to do chemo treatment , right ? It's just an injection of fluids . Yeah , I can handle this .
      If you were to show me my future , I would have laughed . In my family , the men die in their sixties and the women live well into their nineties . I'm not dying . Can't you see my family history ? Why is the whole family crying ? It will be just fine . Oh , those famous words .
      My stay at the hospital was terrible . I'm not going to sit here and bash the hospital , but they treated me terribly . Awful caregiving . I was sent home when I really shouldn't have and after only a couple of days home , I went back into the hospital where I had emergency surgery for an abcess . That was the beginning of many trips to the hospital during the next four months . I will continue with part 2 tomorrow .

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