Monday, March 12, 2012

Weary At Heart

   My first week back at work has been exhausting ! I can't seem to get enough sleep . I have never been more tired . I just can't handle it .  Wow , that's alot to say , isn't it ? But it's true , I can't handle it .
     All week I'm walking around like the dead . Driving home half asleep . Dishes piling up in the sink . Phone calls not answered . Supper being ordered out . The blog shelved right along with responsibility . The T.V. forgotten and any news of the world . Wearing my daughters socks.........too tired to do the laundry .
   All I want is to be tucked away under the covers . For someone to sing me a lullaby . To rub my feet and just let me sleep . I want to forget the world out there and all responsibility that goes with it . I'm tired and I want to sleep like Rip Van Winkle . . . . undisturbed . . . . until I awaken refreshed and ready to face the world .
   At my Women's Group I kept yawning and silent the whole time . Usually my mouth is in overdrive .I always have something to say . I interrupt people but not that night . One of the women silently mouthing to me if I'm okay .Yeah , just tired .
    It's true what they say . Once you lose sleep you can never get it back . There is no catching up . In our house , if one is tired than all are tired . I'm passed out snoring on the bed , Emily on the couch and Diamond somewhere in her secret hiding space . That's how we roll here ......together.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you need to ease into it, Lottie? Going through all that you have takes an enormous toll on the body. Just because the chemo has ended doesn't mean your body is ready to spring into a run again. Can you do part-time for awhile until you feel stronger?
