Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time Is A Treasure

   Time is a special commodity to me . I respect it . I treasure it . I seek it . Time is something there is not enough of in my life .  Going back to work has taken my " time " away from me . I have none and I'm constantly chasing it .
    My life is filled with activity . I don't understand how anyone can be bored . Between my Women's Group , Children's ministry , crocheting , reading , family events   and countless errands  . . . . . . . .I'm constantly on the look out for more time .
    My favorite time is the one spent in solitude . I find that I need some alone time everyday . My life feels out of sync without it . That is the one thing missing right now personal time . Even the smallest detail of trying to organize my schedule is out of whack  . I don't know how to get back on track . I know this sounds silly but I need organization to calm me and give me peace .
   I have never been so conscious of time before as I am now . Illness brings things into perspective  and makes you aware of the importance of time . We don't know how much time we have here on earth with the people we love .....and hate .
    Our Savior chose to give me more time and I certainly don't want to waste it unappreciatively . I don't want to dwell on all the  bad things people have done to me . I don't want to spend my time in hate and anger .
      So to me time is a treasure enjoy spend with our loved ones . Or perhaps alone in solitude with our Lord appreciating the time he so bestowed upon us . Yes , Time , I wish I had so much more of you ....

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