Monday, March 26, 2012

A Joy Dare

     Just recently , I have come to know Ann Voscamp from A Holy Experience . Having read a couple of her Devotionals , I was drawn to know all I could about her and her farmer lifestyle . One thing that has caught my attention is her " Count 1000 Gifts In 2012 " where every month she listed what she was grateful for . . . . her JoyDare . Here is my JoyDare for March .

1.3 gifts at 3 pm.
                           supper with my  daughter , prayer time with my daughter , quality time with my girl
2. 3 gifts green
                        a headscarf from co-worker , a picture frame from Godson , yarn from Pam
3. 3 gifts wore
                       a charm bracelet from my family , new socks , hat from Linda
4. 3 gifts hard to give thanks for
                                                   cancer , a car breaking down , a bad night at work
5. 3 gifts found
                         love , an old book , myself
6. a gift bent , a gift broken , a gift beautiful
                                                                      my car's front end , a relationship , a floral bouquet
7. 3 gifts in the kitchen
                                     Emily's baking , Emily's seasonings , a juicer from my aunt
8. 3 gifts loud
                       a next door puppy who cries alot , the laughter coming from our apartment , my snoring
9. 3 gifts carved
                          wooden sculptures from Poland , memories of the Salt mines visited with my grandpa,
                          cravings of meat that I have given up to be healthy
10.3 gifts in Christ
                              salvation , His Grace , forgiveness
11. 3 gifts read
                       a love poem written for me , an old book passed down to me , a devotional
12. gift in wind , in water , in white
                                                        a breeze from the window , a hot bath , clean socks
13. 3 gifts round
                          my figure , my bald head , quarters for my laundry
14.3 gifts found in silence
                                          Be still and know I am God , peace , solitude
15. 3 gifts given away
                                   blankets  to a nursing home , a kiss , time
16. 3 hard eucharisteos
                                     my life , my journey , my childhood
17.a gift turned , a gift folded , a gift hung
                                                                    blueberry pancakes Emily made , a runner from my mom,
                                                                    new kitchen curtains
18.3 gifts red
                     lipstick , bloodtest , grapes
19. 3 gifts eaten
                          grapefruit , ice cream , asparagus
20. 3 gifts that made you laugh
                                                 bad boys 2 memory , Diamond's antics , a joke At work
21. a gift salty,a gift sweet , a gift just right
                                                                    nuts and more nuts , Hannah, a good cup of coffee
22. 3 gifts found in His word
                                                peace , love , faith
23. 3 gifts found in women today
                                                     strength , power , breadwinners
24.3 gifts spoken
                            I love you , I'm sorry and thank you
25. a gift sung , a gift written , a gift planted
                                                                     Tim singing at school , an email from A dear friend , my
26. 3 gifts almost gone
                                    this blog , this list , this night

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