Saturday, March 17, 2012

Healed By His Touch

    Many , many years ago in preparation for my third child's Baptism , parents were expected to attend a class . At the end of that class , the leader asked if some of us seasoned parents would share advice with the new parents . I remember what I shared , " What works with one will not work with the other ." That set off a response from the new parents on proving me wrong . They named authors with their book titles .......books that they could not live without . I , treaded bravely on making a joke .......
       " A mother has her  first child and reads  Dr.Spock faithfully . The same woman has another child  and throws the book out ."
      Believe me , they were not laughing . Feeling chastised , I sat quietly after that . I was young and didn't want to start anything with these parents . Now , I wouldn't have sat quiet at all . I think I would have laughed out loud .
     The other day , I experienced  something similiar . Let me start off by saying  that I trully respect these women and know them well . I certainly don't want any of them to think the opposite here .
       We were speaking about healing . Someone asked for healing on an illness she had  and I , of course , mentioned my medical view on the subject . I could see in their eyes and faces how much they disagreed with me . Maybe not even so much as disagree as much as disappointed with my opinion . . . . as if I didn't believe in healing . Again , I kept quiet , but it 's bothering me so much that I felt I needed to write about it . Why didn't I speak up ? Because I trully care for these women . Maybe , one or two understood what I was saying . Another reason is that it's much easier to speak out in a room of strangers than it is with people you know . Third ,  I felt outnumbered .
     Here is my view . I believe the woman who asked for healing is not being honest with herself on why she doesn't want her doctor's next step . I have fought a women's cancer now twice . I'm a huge advocate of heeding any symptoms your body is displaying . If there is a cancerous tumor anywhere on my body , I will do anything I have to do to get rid of it .
    As to healing .......I believe in  healing . I believe God healed me 5 years ago .I still can't believe I am here . Just as I know He healed me again . I also believe there are different kinds of healings . I believe He heals us at times right away on the first try and it never comes back again . I believe He heals us for a short period of time over and over again . Some of us are healed by taking us home with Him . And some of us experience a healing of our soul rather than our body .
   People's view on healing is a little warped . I wish God could heal all of us completely in the way we want Him to . .. . imagine this ......noone would ever die . There would be no handicapped people .. ...only perfect people .
   I pray for healing everyday of my life . I pray for my headache to disappear , my feet to stop aching  or my cancer to go away completely . If He doesn't heal me in the way I may want Him to it's not because I didn't want it bad enough or prayed the right way . I believe I'm healed  , my soul , my very being is healed even if my body isn't . When I go up to heaven , it's my soul , not my body that arrives there .

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, listening and trying to really understand where the other person is coming from is the best thing (and the hardest thing to do)! She's on a journey of discovery, just as you were 5 years ago... The Lord will teach her gently as He has you. Maybe the best thing you can do for her is pray. Sounds like she's scared...


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