Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Golden Rule

     Well , I'm back , everyone . What a week it's been . I've been bed-ridden this past week with an embarrassing illness . At first , I wasn't going to let anyone know , but then everyone is always telling me how much they appreciate my honesty . So honesty wins  .
     I thought I had an enflamed hemrroid but it turned out to be a boil .That's right , a boil on my arse !!! Lord , I rather give birth to a 12 lb. baby without any meds than go through this again .
     The reason why I'm even mentioning this is because I have slacked off . When you go through an illness of any kind you become aware of every sign your body makes . You question every ache , every sore , every blemish . You don't take these signs for granted .You take it seriously . You know something is wrong .  I ignored the early signs and didn't treat it . I ended up in AGONY for seven days !!!!!!
      This is the first time I have ignored the golden rule . This golden rule caught my cancer ( the second time ) right at the start of it and it grew only centimeters . Which made me realize that maybe my subconscious was telling me something . Was I becoming flippant toward my cancer ? Did I feel like it didn't matter what I did or how much I  tried to prevent this from happening again . . . . . . . the cancer was here to stay and most likely will come back . . . . . . so why bother ?
       It does matter . The first time , I ignored everything . I kept putting off that doctor visit because I had so many other important things going on in  my life . That  tumor ended up weighing 7 lbs. ! I might as well have delivered a baby . I ended up stage 3 . Would a couple of months earlier have made a difference ? I don't know . . . . . maybe . ..  .I'll never know .
      I do know I have to be as diligent as I have been in the past . I know what you're thinking . A boil you can't prevent or get rid of so quickly . Yes , but I would have been rid of it 2 days earlier . It's time to get back on schedule  . . . . get on board with the golden rule .

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