Monday, March 19, 2012

Glutton For Punishment

      A few weeks back , Emily came into my room wanting to know which of the Seven Deadly Sins was I . She was Jealousy . Now , I don't know which shocked me more , the fact that she knew them all by heart or the fact that she admitted Jealousy . Trying to remember all of them and shockingly finding that I couldn't .
    I'm Gluttony . Everything I do , I do excessively . I eat too much , work too much , think too much , take on too much , worry too much , analyze too much etc. The list would never end . Sometimes , I think I'm too much .
    This starts a very interesting conversation between us both and we decide to post on Facebook a sort of Forum question asking people which of the Deadly Sins they were . How many people do you think responded ? Not one . I could post I'm weeding a garden and a whole slew of people will make  remarks  and I post this and nothing .
    I believe people see each other differently then others see them . We don't want to see ourselves . Or we admit , only to ourselves but want noone else to know . Noone wanted to post on facebook their little secret . I asked Emily why she said Jealousy . Why ? Because she always wants what others have . What an interesting and honest assessment of oneself . Now , I think  I'm Gluttonly and someone else may think I'm Wrath or Pride .
   Everyone is aware of my being back at work . On my first day back , my boss , concerned for my health asked if I needed extra help . Don't do too much, Lottie . Let me help you . I , glutton for punishment , felt insulted ( unbelievable ) and let him know I'm back at work now . Not only have I gone back full time but am working 9 hrs a day and I volunteered ( yes, volunteered ) to work a Saturday as well . Knowingly, knowingly that I crawl out of work everyday exhausted and that I have to teach sunday school come morning , I still volunteered . If that isn't gluttony then I don't know what is . It's also called stupid  but that's the way I am .
   In case you wanted to know which Deadly Sin you are , let me list them for you ....Pride , wrath, gluttony , jealousy , sloth , greed and lust .

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I just saw this for the first time today, Lottie. I haven't been feeling well and haven't been on Facebook so I didn't see your "forum question"! But, I would guess that's a little too much disclosure for a social networking forum! You and your daughter have a solid, intimate relationship, so it's a "safe" place to discuss one's sins and know that you are still loved!! In my case, because I trust you a lot, already, I would have to say, Jealousy. That's one that I struggle with a lot. But God is growing me and I'm moving toward letting go of that day by day, with His grace. I don't think I want to be defined by my sins though! They are not the whole story. Spiritually, I think the bigger part of me leans toward thankfulness that He doesn't see me identified by my sin, no matter how constant or how great. He sees me as a loving Father sees His daughter, who is redeemed every day by His amazing grace! Great question!!
