Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday School

  Waking up this morning , I felt a joy inside and a stirring of excitement . It's my turn to lead Sunday School and a very enjoyable lesson was ahead on Esther . Not only was I excited but very happy with my lessons since it held so many fun activities and I couldn't wait to see the children's faces  as we did them .  This was going to be alot of fun or so I thought .
    When it comes to children you never know what to expect . They can be quite unpredictable and today they behaved just like that . . . . unpredictable . They were loud and not listening . I don't think I was able to finish one whole activity without having to stop and remind them about the art of listening .  Their group leaders couldn't control them either . Out of the corner of my eye , I could see one leader chase the 4 year old all around the room as she just didn't want to sit  down today . Out of the other eye , I saw a constant flow of water and bathroom breaks . I think they had a big bowl of sugar for breakfast .
     And all those fun activities that I thought the children would just love ?  All I saw were blank faces staring back up at me . At the end , I scurried like a rat with her tail between her legs back home  and slipped under the covers taking a nap .
    All week long , I was waiting for today . All I could think about was how much fun we would have . Fun ?! I know I sure didn't have any . My ego burst and deflated , saying to myself  , " I suck ".
Lost my touch . Beaten by a bunch of munchkins that pick their nose and I'm sorry folks , but they eat it , too . Back to the drawing board .
   Next week ? I have the 1-2 nd graders . Better not get excited , they might trample all over me like a stampede . Wish me luck .
And where was my bathroom girl ( Emily ) the whole time ? In the nursery , sitting in a rocking chair holding the cutest 1 yr.old baby boy.......smiling . Somebody had a good time.

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