Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lest I Forget

   We all like to remember the good times in our lives . The spontaneous happy moments that make up the quilt of our existence . We don't want to focus on the other side of the dime where pain exists . People that say that famous line , " if I can only go back to that time ..." , that's a lie too . Who wants to go back to a painful time and relive it all over again ? Not me . But........I certainly don't intend on forgetting about it .
    It seems that during my darkest moments . . . .  I am closer to God . During my painful experiences . . . . . . I walk humbly with God . In agony on a daily basis and . . . .  I fall to my knees praising and thanking Him .. . . even for the pain .
    What about the good times ? Do I do the same ? During my almost five year cancer free Blessing did I fall to my knees praising and thanking ? Did I walk HUMBLY with God ? Did I work regularly on building a closer relationship  with Him  ? Honestly ? Not as much as I should have and could have done . I don't think there is ever enough that we can do to be closer . This is a lifetime building relationship .
     But we are busy , right ? We have a family , work , church etc. and all those activities we have to do . We just don't have the time .
    We are so techno right now that we don't even have these excuses  anymore . We have iphones , labtops , DVDs , CDs  and calendars with devotions right on them . We have cable !!!! You have devotions sent to your e-mail .
    There is literally no excuse for me anymore . This cannot happen again in my life . Long after my treatment is over ,  I better still have the time , to continue building that relationship . And I hope you do , too .

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