Sunday, January 29, 2012

God On First

  I've always considered myself to be a pretty good Christian . My faith and belief system unwavering .
I go to church every Sunday . Belong to a Women's Group for many years . I teach Sunday School and fellowship with other Christians . I donate , tithe and serve others as best as I'm able to . I partake in the " what would Jesus do" unless  , of course , someone  cuts me off in traffic . Yes , I'm a pretty good Christian . Put a gold star next to my name .
  Irony and sarcasm aside , putting God first in my life seemed to be quite the opposite depending what my needs were at that moment  . A pattern was formed  without my realizing it . When things were good , I became complacent . When problems arose , I sank to my knees in praise . Disgusting , isn't it ? Utterly disgusting ! I'm actually a normal person ! To think  , I thought I was above all that .
  We all fall down . And I fell down . Somewhere  , along my five year journey , I became complacent not making time for Him as He made for me .
  We have heard many times , from our Pastors , how we need to place God on top . . . .God on first . Have I done that ? Not all the time . There have been times where money was very tight and I didn't honor God first  by tithing . There have been times that I became obsessed with something or someone else instead of becoming obsessed with Him . There have been times that there was no TIME to sit down and read the Word of God , instead , went out and played . We have to fellowship , right ?
  We all fall down . We just have to remember to get back up again and place God on first . Happy Sun day everyone !

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