Monday, January 9, 2012

A Quiet Corner

          Are you weary ?
         rest a little bit
         in some quiet corner
         fold your hands and sit
         do not let the trials
         that have grieved you
         all the day
         haunt this quiet corner
         drive them all away
         let your heart grow empty
         of every thought unkind
         that peace may hover around
         you and joy may fill your mind
         count up all your blessings
         I'm sure they are not few
         that the Dear Lord
         daily bestows on you
         soon you'll feel so rested
         glad you stopped a bit
         in this quiet corner
         to fold your hands and sit

 I've been looking for this quiet corner for awhile now . This poem is the closest to explain how I have been feeling lately . I have no desire to go anywhere or do anything . Don't want to go to the doctor . No more lab work: no more chemo . Just leave me be . I want the phone to stop ringing . Don't want to talk . I just want to sit in this quiet corner with my hands folded and just plain do nothing . I feel selfish for feeling this way . I make myself get up and see people . I am not depressed , yet I want to be alone . Has anyone felt like this ? I know there are many of you who have gone through an illness . Have you felt like this ? This is a first for me .

1 comment:

  1. "The Lord is my Shepherd;
    I shall not want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures,
    He leads me beside still waters.
    He restores my soul..." Psalm 23:1-3

    Yes, I have been there, Lottie. My heart goes out to you, dear friend. You are in my prayers, always.
