Monday, January 2, 2012

A Fast Is A Fast

      Every January , our church has a fast to start off the New Year . We all partake in some sort of fasting  and it  usually lasts the month . This brought on a huge discussion between Emily and I as to what that fast should include .  As usual , She had many ideas on what I should give up but we could not agree on what hers should be .
      I have done many fasts in the past . Always would take on prayer requests from people . The special prayers during the fast would take on an intensifying passion . My mind would be sharper , clearer and always somehow life would take on a more positive attitude . I love fasting ! It purifies your soul .
     I didn't always feel like this . Honestly , I never quite understood why people did them . When I was a Catholic , I've done Lent every year , not eating meat on Friday . Yet , I've never had that sense of fulfillment that I do  now after fasting . It was , actually , this very New Year January fast that my church does that has changed my mind .
   Of  course , I started small by giving up coffee . This year , I wanted to do something extra special along with my giving up sweets . Instead of giving up ,  I want to start doing something during this time that maybe has always been difficult for me . Something I really hate ......I hate exercising !
   If anyone has a prayer request for me to take on , please send me an email at
They will be confidential .

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