Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Five W's Of Cancer

   1. Who
               Hey , this one is easy . I'm the who  AND I'm the only one in the family with cancer that is in this generation . Last family member that had cancer was like 31 years ago . . . .  .my grandfather Joe . Before that was my great-Aunt Emily on my mother's side . My grandmother's sister . It seems we have cancer every 30 years or so . I should feel honored but I'm not .
 2. What
              I have ovarian cancer stage 3 . I guess that's better than stage 4 but not as good as stage 2 . It could have been worse . It could have been pancreatic cancer where it's terminal. Or one where I need a  donor . What if they had to cut off a piece like my breast ? Or both ? Lord knows I have a vanity issue .I would have never been able to handle that one . I can't even handle being bald . No , God knew what He was doing with the ovarian cancer .
 3. Why
            Well , when you find out why , please let me know . We already ruled out Genetics so I can't even blame  it on my family . When I asked the doctor he shrugged and said , "if we knew that we could cure it ". Although , I do have some family members who know someone into Holistic Healing and they were informed that I got cancer because I was an angry person at that time . I should get angry at that but then my cancer might jump to stage 4 . I wonder what jealousy might bring me ? Heart Disease ?
 4. When
              2007 . For some people 2001 was a monumental , unforgetable year but for me it was 2007 when my tower came crashing down . That's all that needs to be said about that .
 5. where
              Now , I don't know what will happen and quite really , I don't want to know . Whether I die in 2012 or 2050  makes no difference to me . I do know where I'm going to end up at and that's Heaven . I hope I see you all there , too .

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