Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Six Year Plan: The Money

                                                                         Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                          everyday is a journey.

When the powers of hell prevail
O'er our weakness and unfitness,
Could we lift the fleshly veil,
Could we for a moment witness
Those unnumbered hosts that stand
Calm and bright on either hand;
Oh, what joyful hope would cheer,
Oh, what faith serene would guide us!
Great may be the danger near,
Greater are the friends beside us.

After doing an extensive research on the different options available to me as housing for after my retirement, I came to the conclusion that I need money. Without some sort of savings for it, none of it will exist. Money is needed to live in this world. I often joke that I need to hit over the head the person who invented the need for money. Why can't we barter for services?

Alas, money is needed. It makes no difference in what direction I may go, it involves having financial backing to do it. So saving money became a priority, but to do so, old debts had to be paid off first. So right now, this has become a priority. 

You know, I'm almost glad that my Company has been sold over the Summer. I feel as if all my plans for the future lacked reality. They were full of holes and the Lord has made that known to me by the loss of my milestone pension money. It has brought home that fact to me. A plan full of holes. Sometimes what we view as setbacks are actually blessings in disguise. This one certainly has become one. 

What I have now is definitely not enough. I will have to up the 401K and get some sort of savings started just for the purpose of purchasing a residence of some sort. Or at least, used for the remodel or such. I did meet up with a financial adviser to make some important decisions in regards to my pension. I am glad to having done so.

I am so close to being financially free. You have no idea how powerful that statement can become in our lives. The freedom that will provide for us to be able to do what we want versus what we have to. There is such a great difference here. Whenever that time comes, I plan on being ready and that includes financially, too.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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