Thursday, November 7, 2019

Just Share It:Dale O'Shields

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Though Love repine, and Reason chafe,
    There came a voice without reply,--
  'Tis man's perdition to be safe,
    When for the truth he ought to die.

The following post deals with a topic I have been trying to achieve for over ten years. I am still a work in progress, but I know people who have accomplished this feat. I totally agree with the concept that we determine how our day goes. No matter what happens in our life, how we deal with the struggles is up to us. Unfortunately, I don't always succeed, but I am a little bit better than what I used to be. I hope you enjoy.

“Have a good day!” It’s a cliche we regularly use with little thought. It’s a nice thing to hear and say. Obviously wishing someone a “good day” is better than the alternative — wishing them a “bad day!”
But what is a “good day,” and how do we know if we’re having one?
Most often we think of a good day as one that goes well — a day when good things come our way. It’s a day absent of bad news, bad feelings, bad interactions, bad attitudes and bad behavior. We think of it as a day when the right things happen to us, and the wrong things don’t. As some would define it, a good day is a day when “lady luck” shows up.
The downside to these descriptions is that they put us at the mercy of outside forces — other people, outside circumstances and uncontrollable events. When all these are positive, we’re good, and when they’re not … !
An important step on the path to maturity is learning to live from the inside out rather than from the outside in. It’s learning to be a “thermostat” rather than a “thermometer.” The difference between the two is that the first sets the environment, the latter simply displays the conditions of the environment. A “thermometer” has no power of influence; no control over anything. It’s good for one thing, and one thing only, reporting. A “thermometer” reflects what is. A “thermostat” determines what will be.
What does all of this have to do with “having a good day?” Everything. Life changes for the better when we realize that the quality of our day can, in very significant ways, be determined by us. We’re not at the mercy of outside forces or “lady luck” for happiness. We can set the environment of a day by internal choices and attitudes. We can think and act in ways that create a “good day” for us and others rather than hoping or wishing it would “happen” to us.

Have a blessed day everyone.


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