Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Glass Half Full

                                                              Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                everyday is a journey.

The solitude of life is known to us all;
for the most part we are alone,
and the voices of friends come only
 faint and broken across the impassable
 gulfs which surround every human soul.
— Hamilton Mabie.

People often say to me that I am a person who is very positive and one who sees their glass as half full. For the most part, I make a great effort to appear to be just that. Yet, there are days where I am filled with despair. I can feel the weight of the world upon my shoulders. Have you ever felt so utterly and completely alone? As if no one understood you or held the same beliefs as you. I want to be around people who believe what I believe and have the same moral values. Don't we all?

I think we all have days like that and although we may spend some time wallowing in our misery, we try our best to get ourselves out of that pit. The misery pit is not where we want to remain for too long. Remaining positive takes work and effort on a daily basis. Everyday I walk into work with a smile on my face and try to greet the people I encounter along the way. It doesn't matter how I truly feel on the inside, I am determined to get through that day unscalded. 

Work used to be such a huge obstacle for me to overcome ever since third shift has been eliminated. This new change that followed took me over five years to conquer. I didn't care for the shift hours nor the people on it. It felt like an alien world and I wondered how two shifts could be so opposite. Aren't we working for the same Company? 

I am not sure when the change for the better actually happened. Was it a new boss? Or the next one and the one after that? Lord knows, I was blessed with some great bosses on this dreadful shift. Each new one even better than the last. Whatever and whenever the atmosphere changed, my heart broke free and my glass became half full. 

Nowadays, it isn't a hardship to go in everyday. The smile isn't forced and the conversations are real.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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