Saturday, November 30, 2019

A Good Cry

                                                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Be patient, suffering soul! I hear thy cry.
The trial fires may glow, but I am nigh.
I see the silver, and I will refine
Until My image shall upon it shine.
Fear not, for I am near, thy help to be;
Greater than all thy pain, My love for thee.
H. W. C.

 When I was a much younger girl, I would have these "good cry weekends" whenever my little heart got broken or I had a very bad work week. I would get some wine or junk food like ice cream and put on some sad songs. I would grab a box of tissues and wail until every last drop of tears was gone. Sometimes, I would even turn on a sad movie or two.

The whole point of these cry sessions was to spend a day or two feeling sorry for myself. It was a time to get rid of any bad emotional trauma so I could begin the next work week anew. Anyone remember having one of these types of weekends?

That was then, this is now. Something has changed within me where I no longer have a need to have a 'good cry" weekend. Believe me, I have tried many times in the past all to no avail. I find that the way I handle things, bad and hurtful things, has changed drastically from the good old days of these crying weekends. So what brought on this change? Well, I think it was a heart change that finally overcame the crying fest.

When I let Christ in and opened my heart to Him, whenever I needed a good cry, I just turned to Him. I don't think I set out to do that, but when I grew in my spiritual walk with Him, that's what happened. I leaned into Him. I cried to Him. I  no longer needed the sad movies or the sad songs. 

I often think back to those days before Christ. Never longingly, I can assure you. I want to keep growing in my Faith, keep learning and keep my heart swelling of Him. The world needs a heart change. I hope you do, too.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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