Monday, November 11, 2019

The Pastor's Mother

                                                                                 Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                                everyday is a journey.

No great genius was ever
 without some mixture of madness
, nor can anything grand or superior
to the voice of common mortals be
 spoken except by the agitated soul.

So the other day, the following post showed up on my Facebook feed from a few years back.

Emily: Mom, who is your favorite Pastor of all time?
Me: Well, it's hard to say, I have many favorites.
Emily: But if you had to choose one which one would you choose?
Me: I guess I would choose David Jeremiah.
Emily: You wouldn't choose your own son?
Fyi: For those who don't know, my son is a Pastor.

Boy, she really threw me a curveball there! My son wears many hats, but I guess to me, he will always be just my son. As a mother of a Pastor, there is always a form of respect that comes with it. People tend to be extremely nice to you no matter if you deserve it or not. When there is a Church event, no one really expects you to do anything except show up. Yup, that's the life of a Pastor's mother.

When I first became a born again Christian, I wanted so badly to belong to that Pastor's table. I wanted to be part of the elite group of Elders, Deacons, Group Leaders and even the Pastor himself. I wanted to be invited to all their events and gatherings in their homes. It just never happened. I never understood what it was that I lacked. I joined all the women's groups and volunteered. I participated in all Church activities and yet, I never made it to any of their private parties. I just wanted to feel that I belonged.

Looking back now, I think it's so funny, because God had a plan for my son. And a plan for me. You see, I did finally make it to that Pastor's Table with my own son.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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