Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Year Ago

                                                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                    everyday is a journey.

Life is a sheet of paper white
Whereon each one of us may write
His word or two, and then comes night.
Greatly begin! though thou hast time
But for a line, be that sublime
Not failure, but low aim is crime.

One year ago, I was contemplating starting a YouTube channel to kind of be an extension of my cancer journey. I figured that I have written about it on my blog, discussed it on my chronic illness group and used the Ministry as therapy.  Might as well speak about it now. What I didn't envision was how hard it truly would be. So much goes into it. I was totally naïve and thought about quitting many times.

At that same time, I was texting with my older brother back and forth. One day, I just texted to him that maybe we should visit our old man. Now, we never had a good or bad relationship with him, because there never was a relationship at all. I have no idea where it came from, I can only believe it was the Holy Spirit. So a year ago, we were on our way to seeing him for the very first time in 35 years. 

I have thought about my year in reflection many times. So much can happen in 365 days! If you are going through a horrible Season, trust me, it will change within the year for the better. Or at least, we hope so. Something will be changed. 

This has been a very challenging year, not something I expected. Regardless of the fact that I have cancer, my life is pretty content. I don't have many of the issues that others are facing. For this reason, the opposition I dealt with was a total surprise for me. I guess, I have been pretty spoiled. I also have learned so much from my ordeal and actually feel like I have grown up! 

This a may not have been an easy year, but the rewards in future are definitely worth the struggle now. How would you rate your year? Where were you a year ago?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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