Friday, March 2, 2018

The Daily Grind

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                         everyday is a journey.

In the heart's depths a peace serene and holy
Abides, and when pain seems to have its will,
Or we despair,--oh, may that peace rise slowly,
Stronger than agony, and we be still.

It's hard to be perfectly content as we go about our daily grind. What is it all about? Why are we doing this? How much longer? Why, why, why? We are such Israelites! We always want to know the why. Can't we just continue on our way without questioning everything. When? How? Why?

Many of us like to blame the devil for everything bad that happens to us, but some of that is our own faults. The Lord knows I've called out the devils name numerous times this week. Is he really guilty? I'm not so sure.

As difficult it may become physically to do my job at work, I only have myself to blame for being there. I could have left and went on disability four times already. That's how many times I've had a re-occurrence. Yet, I chose to fight on working for as long as I could. And here I am. 

My whole body hurts, especially from my hips down. Since the computers have been down I've had to walk it doing my job manually. I'm tired. Really tired. The daily grind just became harder.

We all push ourselves to achieve a little more. Make a little more. Ask of ourselves more. Be more. Why can't we just do what our bodies tell us? Why, because we made mistakes in the past and didn't prepare for these times. We have to endure until we can finally say goodbye to the daily grind.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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