Monday, March 26, 2018

Encouraging Letters

                                                             Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                             everyday is a journey.

Let us not always say,"Spite of this flesh to-dayI strove, made head, gained ground upon the whole!"As the bird wings and sings,Let us cry, "All good thingsAre ours, nor soul helps flesh more now than flesh helps soul!"

Back in the day when I was first diagnosed with cancer, Joey was still single and working in radio. He would share with his listeners my cancer progress. Well, they responded very warmly towards someone they didn't even know. The following year, for Mother's Day, Joey surprised me with a folder. Inside that folder, he printed every e-mail, message or letter that has ever been sent to the station on my behalf. He wanted me to feel the love. I have kept them all these years and I thought I would share them with all of you. You never know, someone out there may need a boost, an encouragement. 

Your Mom,

I was listening to your program on my way home from work last night and heard you talking about your mom and her battle with cancer. I don't remember exactly what she said about herself without hair. I have to share a little of my story. 

I was sitting in the bathtub after my mastectomy 8 years ago, crying, saying I felt like Frankenstein with all my new scars, drainage tubes etc. My husband came in and took my face in his hands and said,"But you're alive." I'll never forget those words many times over the next  8 years. I now look at those scars and think of them as my battle scars, cause I have won the battle. 

I know its always encouraged me to hear from long time survivors so thought maybe you could tell her to hang in there from one cancer survivor to another. Keep up the great work! Your station is a constant source of encouragement to me. 
In His name, 

Heard on the air going to work Monday night that you had a great weekend with your mom. That is wonderful. I am so glad for you. What a blessing every moment can be. Isn't it great to just be able to be silly and do regular stuff sometimes and forget the "elephant in the room"? I will continue to pray for you both for healing and endurance. We never know which direction God will send our lives in and what he has in store for us. Just when we prepare ourselves for one thing, boom, he up and throws a curve at us. So, keep on keeping  on. Laugh and  help your mom enjoy your moments together whenever you can get away to be with her. I know she treasures them. 

Let me know, or keep us all listeners informed on your mother's progress, it it isn't too personal. We care, I care. 

Aren't these letters wonderful? Such an encouragement! Have a blessed day everyone. 

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